Employees come...employees go. (Ughhhh...never with out drama!)
Customers come...customers go. (Why stop shopping at the best place you've ever been)
Bakery is slow...bakery is busy. (Who know's why, I want to blame O'Bama)
We are blessed...we are busy. (Thank God!)
Turkey Day is fast approaching and while we are fixing up the trimmings for everyone else we have very little time for ourselves...or for the bakery. We are now in at 2a & out at 6p. But we know this will be a good holiday season...economy is down, but we are in high spirits. We have to be. A great chef once said the secret to success is "Getting up early & going to work every day" Well that my friends is no secret to the Yancey's.
If there is a worm, these early birds are getting him.